Stone Soup Leadership Institute
David Wicker is an environmental activist fighting against climate change on the European front. At age 14, he became an organizer with the Fridays for Future (FFF) movement, and currently leads the activist group’s efforts in Turin, Italy. Fridays For Future is a school strike movement that is asking governments around the world to place the climate change issue as their top priority – particularly as it relates to respecting the Paris treaty and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. David, along with thousands of other students in, was motivated by the likes of Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, and Vanessa Nakate to join in this movement. As a talented computer programmer, David is working on innovative ways to streamline messaging and communications. By integrating people onto more responsive and younger community-based platforms, he hopes to expand the reach of FFF’s message around the globe.