Stone Soup Leadership Institute

Cleaning Rivers to Keep Our Oceans Clean

At 14, Gary Bencheghib formed Make a Change Bali to clean up plastic pollution from the beaches near his home. Soon he realized that the beaches he cleaned up weren’t staying clean. Week after week, plastic kept appearing on the shore. He also realized that it was not possible that the sheer volume of garbage he saw was just from local people littering: this was a much larger problem. A waste management problem. He learned that the problem in Bali was part of a much bigger problem that wasn’t local at all – and that rivers were the source of much of the spreading of plastic pollution around the world. To solve this crisis, Gary has created multiple environmental documentaries and businesses that have helped to promote and support river cleanups around the world. His film on the Citarum River even moved Indonesian President Joko Widodo to mobilize the Indonesian Ministry of the Environment to begin working on a nationwide river cleanup project.