Stone Soup Leadership Institute
Growing up, Nicki Becker was aware of environmental issues, especially since there was mega-mining going on in Argentina that was having a devastating effect on the land and the people. But until she was in her teens, she didn’t know much about climate change. One day, she learned how young people in Europe were calling for the first international Fridays for Future strikes. That made her want to learn more, and the more she learned how pressing the climate crisis was, the more she couldn’t understand why no one in her country was talking about it. So she formed Youth for Climate Argentina (YFCA). In 2019, YFCA organized huge rallies across Argentina— and their call for climate action was successful. The government listened to their demands and declared the country in a state of climate emergency. It was the first country in Latin America to do so, and it set the stage for wide-sweeping reforms in the region.