Stone Soup Leadership Institute

SL.9-10.1 (Speaking and Listening | Comprehension and Collaboration)

Walking Shield

When a group of Native Americans took over Alcatraz prison, protesting generations of injustice, Phil Stevens decided he wanted to do something to help. As a successful businessman, he hadn’t thought much about his Lakota Sioux roots until he visited the reservations. “Our people are refugees in their own land,” he told his family upon his return. This is the story of how Phil used his business savvy and connections to find ingenious ways to bring desperately needed clothing, medical supplies, and housing to the reservations. “The most important thing we are doing is providing hope for our people,” he says. His organization, Operation Walking Shield, is helping people rebuild their hopes, their dreams, and their dignity. “I tell the young people they need to learn to live in both cultures — with a moccasin one foot and a tennis shoe on the other,” Phil says.

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Teaching Jazz, Creating Community

Wynton Marsalis is best known as an award-winning jazz musician. But for students in the thousands of schools he’s visited, he’s a role model telling them to “take your freedom and put it into the service of somebody else’s.” Young people like Roberto Perez in Washington D.C. have learned from Wynton how jazz can be a metaphor for creating democracy. “What a kid learns from jazz is how to express his individuality without stepping on somebody else’s,” says Wynton. ·”Being a good neighbor, that’s what jazz is all about.”

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Oakland’s Firefighting Peacemaker

As a child, Ray Gatchalian was taught to help others. “We’re here to inspire one another, to bring out the best in each other,” his father told him. When Ray’s Oakland, California neighborhood was about to go up in flames in the largest urban wildfire in U.S.history, Ray organized a dozen curious onlookers into a makeshift fire brigade that saved many homes and inspired one of the volunteers to become a fireman. “Fighting the fire with Ray changed my life,” he says.

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Helping Others to See

For people at the Aravind Eye Hospital in Mudurai, India, Dr. V is a hero. Both a village elder and a hospital chief, he insists that his staff provide “impeccable service” and guides his institution of compassion with a glance, a word, a silent presence, a smile. As Gandhi once said, “My life is my message.” Dr. V’s ·unique blend of being and doing is his message. Thanks to support from the Seva Foundation, he and his staff perform 92,000 cataract surgeries a year and 850,000 treatments to prevent blindness. “If you allow the divine force to flow through you, you will accomplish things far greater than you imagined,” says Dr. V. In this story, Seva’s founder, Ram Dass, explains how their support for Dr. V – balances ”being and doing” — or compassionate Actions and compassionate hearts — so they can do the most good for others in the world.

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Fulfilling Martin’s Dream

When Frank Carr heard Martin Luther King Jr. give his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, it was a turning point in his life. Returning to Chicago, he challenged his business colleagues to join him in opening doors of opportunity to “all God’s children” so they could succeed in the. corporate world. His vision led to the national organization, INROADS which provides mentors and internships for over 6,000 young people like Juan, a young Mexican immigrant who was given a chance to succeed. Now a manager at Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, Juan says” There is so much talent in our youth. We all need to take the time to harvest it and help them realize their dreams.”

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