Stone Soup Leadership Institute
Born and brought up in South Africa, Arun Gandhi faced a lot of prejudice because of the color of his skin. “It filled me with a lot of anger. I wanted an eye for an eye.” Thankfully, his parents brought him to India, to study the ways of ahimsa under his beloved grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi. Ahimsa is the principle of nonviolence toward all living things. As a self-described “peace farmer,” Arun has taught countless numbers of people over the years how to properly abide by ahimsa through his lectures, reporting, and his work at the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. Arun has seen a lot of destruction of the environment, in both South Africa and India. To address the climate crisis we are in, he urges our leaders to listen to the wise words of his grandfather: We must live what we want others to learn.