Stone Soup Leadership Institute
At the age of 16, Betsabe Reyna was offered the opportunity to travel to Mexico with a few other kids her age. During this trip, she discovered her role as a changemaker. From then on, she has found ways to immerse herself in other cultures and work with people from diverse backgrounds. During the Syrian refugee crisis, Betsabe worked on the frontlines at a refugee camp in Turkey near the Syrian border. Regardless of their religion and culture, Betsabe saw the people staying in the refugee camp as her brothers and sisters. Today, she is a delegate for the United Nations Program, Pathways to Peace, where she is carrying out the legacy of Avon Mattison, who inspires her to continue her work, helping to design peaceful solutions in chaotic circumstances. By preserving Avon’s legacy, Betsabe is continuing to fight for vulnerable populations across the world.