Stone Soup Leadership Institute
Lara Nuer was 14 years old when her mother, Claire, was diagnosed with cancer and told that she had just three months to live. Although Lara had been harboring a great deal of teenage resentment of her mother before this, when she realized she might lose her mother, she immediately became determined to do what she could to save her life. Claire too was determined not to die; she became a whirlwind of powerful, positive, healing energy that served not only to beat her own disease into remission but to serve as a model and an inspiration for many others. Eventually Claire founded an organization aimed at humanizing business and helping people “bring their best selves” to their families, their coworkers, and their world. She lived 17 years after her diagnosis; after she died Lara and her brother took over the reins of the company she had started. Today the leadership training they offer is chosen by many Fortune 500 companies as an effective way to make businesses more humane—and the people who work in them healthier, happier people as well.